Thursday, August 4, 2016

Changes to the ITIN Program

Today the IRS announced important changes to the ITIN program.

The new change may affect up to 400,000 ITIN holders, the changes require some taxpayers to renew their ITINs beginning in October 2016.

Who has to Renew an ITIN?
No action is needed by ITIN holders if they don’t need to file a tax return next year, however, there are two key groups of ITIN holders who may need to renew an ITIN so it will be in effect for returns filed in 2017.

Unused ITINs. 
ITINs not used on a federal income tax return in the last three years (covering 2013, 2014, or 2015) will no longer be valid to use on a tax return as of Jan. 1, 2017.  ITIN holders in this group who need to file a tax return next year will need to renew their ITINs.  The renewal period begins October 1, 2016.

Expiring ITINs. 
ITINs issued before 2013 will begin expiring this year, and taxpayers will need to renew them on a rolling basis.  The first ITINs that will expire under this schedule are those with middle digits of 78 and 79.  The renewal period for these ITINs begins October 1, 2016.  The IRS will mail letters to this group of taxpayers starting August to inform them of the need to renew their ITINs if they need to file a tax return and explain steps they need to take.  The schedule for expiration and renewal of ITINs that do not have middle digits of 78 and 79 will be announced at a future date.



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